Cannabis Odor Control Terminology
on 27 February 2023
Professionalism in the Cannabis Industry
When you hear the word Cannabis, there is a stigma that relates to a person who is unmotivated, lazy and not necessarily a professional. Due to the social stigma associated with the term Cannabis, it is imperative for all members of the Cannabis industry to present themselves and their companies as professionally as possible.
History of The “Lazy Stoner”
The lazy stoner stereotype stems from the use of Cannabis to aid in the treatm...
Posted in:Latest NewsOdor Control |
How Cannabusters Promotes Safety for Our Plants & Planet
on 26 January 2023
Cannabusters: Safely Removing Cannabis Odours Without VOCs
VOCs, also known as Volatile Organic Compounds, are a large group of chemicals that are released into the air through the use of processes or products. Exposure to VOC vapors can result in a variety of health issues including vision, respiratory, kidney and liver damage. Cannabusters do not add VOCs into the air like other systems such as Vapor Phase, Enzyme or Fragrances-based products.
Cannbusters: Removing Odors Within The Air Th...
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Terpenes and Cannabis Plant Odors
on 23 December 2022
Terpenes and Cannabis Plant Odors
For avid coffee drinkers, the smell of rich and dark roasted coffee is distinctly different from that of instant coffee. When it comes to cannabis plants, some plants can produce stronger and more pungent odors while others smell quite weak. The strength of the aromatic fragrance that a cannabis plant produces depends on its terpene profile. Found throughout nature, hundreds of terpenes exist in the form of unique and complex profiles. Cannabis plants that c...
Posted in:Latest NewsGreenhouse Odor Control |
The stages of flowering that produce the most potent odors
on 25 November 2022
Cannabis Growth & Odour Control
With many things in life, planning and preparing for action can lead to feeling more relaxed and at ease with tasks that arise. With cannabis cultivation and growth, planning for the smell that your cannabis plant gives off can foster confidence with your crop while putting you at ease with the smell that your plants give off so you can best navigate and manage your surrounding environment and plan accordingly.
The Cannabis Plants Harvesting S...
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Hemp vs Cannabis odour control
on 27 October 2022
Hemp Crops
Known as a distant cousin, yet with a scent, almost exactly similar to marijuana, Hemp plant and seed growth produces an odour that you can become liable for and therefore should take measures to control. Described as redolent, perfumed, and highly fragrant, hemp crops are extremely odorous, regardless of the variety, as each crop from Sour Diesel to Skywalker, has its profile of over 200 terpenes that increase throughout each crop's lifecycle.
Hemp and Cannabis Plants
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