Grow Cannabis Outdoors? Know How to Eliminate the Smell
Whether you’re trying to grow cannabis outdoors for the first time or you’re running a professional grow-op, you’ve certainly wondered how to deal with the familiar, pungent smell of Cannabis. The most important things to know are what won’t work, what will, and which options will be best for your property and lifestyle.
Know How Cannabis Smell Works
First, know how smell works. It’s fairly simple: odor particles, or molecules, are released by volatile objects and are dispersed into the air. A volatile object can be anything in the world that has a smell--your dog, your cannabis plants, your lunch, your perfume. Non-volatile objects, as you may have guessed, are things which have no odor and can’t be detected by smell. In the case of cannabis, the molecules are released by compounds called terpenes, which exist on the plants’ leaves, stems and flowers. As these odor molecules are dispersed on the air, they travel to the olfactory systems of living beings, where they trigger a physiological response.
It’s that physiological response that can cause problems for cannabis growers. So the question is, how do you prevent those molecules from getting to your neighbors’ noses?
Know What Won’t Hide the Smell of Cannabis
Unfortunately, there aren’t as many methods of getting rid of cannabis smell outside as there are indoors. Carbon filters and extractor fans are not useful in the great outdoors, given that your ability to control the flow of air is extremely limited, to the point of being non-existent. Similarly, air purifiers lose all their power outside. Growing cannabis outdoors is a whole different game; there’s no way to corral the odor molecules into a filter to scrub them, so you have to take a different approach.
Know What Could Mask Cannabis Smell
The main advice given to hobbyists growing small quantities of cannabis in their yards or gardens is to mask the smell. If you grow your Cannabisfor personal use and only have a few plants, it’s probably not worth investing in an expensive solution unless the odor really is a problem.
The best way to tackle the smell of Cannabis from a small crop is to mask it with the smells of other odoriferous plants such as jasmine, lilac, lavender, thyme, mint, and basil. Just like cannabis, these plants derive their strong odors from terpenes, which can help in overpowering and masking other odors. Not only will your garden smell fantastic, but as an added bonus, you’ll be able to harvest flowers and herbs along with your cannabis.
Know What Will Eliminate Cannabis Smell
However, if you have a large-scale operation, you don’t need us to tell you: a massive plot of rosemary isn’t the solution to all your problems. In cases where you’re trying to mask the smell of a larger outdoor cannabis operation, it’s best to opt for a long-term solution that you can depend on.
Oxidation is a process which takes place at the borders of your property, tackling the problem of smell head-on. Remember those odor molecules released by volatile compounds? Cannabusters’ patented oxidation formula is vapourized into the air around your field, where those molecules are literally broken apart in the oxidation process. The best way to eliminate odor is to get to the source.
Cannabusters is 100% safe for your plants, with no effect on the taste, smell or quality of your final product. It’s also safe for you, your neighbors and your clients, as well as the environment.
Whether you cultivate a small patch of cannabis or you have an expansive field, Cannabusters is here to work with you and help you benefit from our turn-key odor control solutions. Contact us today to get a quote.
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